Halloween Meme
Halloween is here at last. Witches, goblins, big black cats.
Leave your answers and post the questions on your blogs with any additions or subtractions you want.
Any plans for Halloween this year?
Any favorite Halloween memories?
What was your best costume?
What's your favorite movie for Halloween?
What was the best spook house you went to?
What's your favorite mood music for Halloween?
What was the best haul you ever got from trick or treating?
What's your favorite spooky story? (Tell it or link to it if you have the time.)
Favorite costume for the opposite sex? (Or the more attractive sex, if that's a more applicable question.)
Who would you most like to find in your trick or treat bag?
What's your favorite Halloween party game?
What was your biggest scare on Halloween? (That scared you, I don't want to hear about your sadistic adventures. Well, o.k., but answer the other one, too.)
Leave your answers and post the questions on your blogs with any additions or subtractions you want.
Any plans for Halloween this year?
Any favorite Halloween memories?
What was your best costume?
What's your favorite movie for Halloween?
What was the best spook house you went to?
What's your favorite mood music for Halloween?
What was the best haul you ever got from trick or treating?
What's your favorite spooky story? (Tell it or link to it if you have the time.)
Favorite costume for the opposite sex? (Or the more attractive sex, if that's a more applicable question.)
Who would you most like to find in your trick or treat bag?
What's your favorite Halloween party game?
What was your biggest scare on Halloween? (That scared you, I don't want to hear about your sadistic adventures. Well, o.k., but answer the other one, too.)
At 6:17 PM,
David Worrell said…
Any plans for Halloween this year?
I've got to do some Halloween activities at the center. I'm not looking forward to it. I've got three year olds who act like young two year olds and I've going to have to do a craft with them. I hate crafts. I suck at them even with kids who have the ability to do crafts. With these kids, I'll have to do most of the work for them. And since they'll have had some sort of sweets, they'll be extra hyper.
Otherwise, I haven't given out candy or done anything else for Halloween in a few years now and this year won't be any different. A couple cable channels do good horror movie marathons and I hope to catch some of those.
Any favorite Halloween memories?
October at the Gooch/Dillard dorms at UVA was amazing. The crispness of the air and the leaves changing colors and falling. It was one of my favorite life experiences. There was one time near Halloween when one of my all-time favorites, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, was on tv and I had to go to the end of the fire lane and pick up a pizza delivery. It was just a perfect moment. The movie had that spooky mood going and the autumn night air was nothing less than magical.
What was your best costume?
We always had the little plastic masks and the fire hazard costumes when we were younger. I used to love those. I was Batman one year. As we got older, we were more into doing the face-painting. Zombies and ghouls and the like. I don't remember a best costume, although I did once when "Best Costume" at a party. I was wearing a rubber fright mask, but I'd painted up my face ghoulishly, too. so I'd walk around and take the mask off to reveal the ghoul face. I guess it was effective.
What's your favorite movie for Halloween?
I mentioned my affection for The Ghost and Mr. Chicken. Otherwise, I've got a soft spot for the Halloween movies. And last year I saw the silent Phantom of the Opera for the first time. That's a great movie.
What's your favorite mood music for Halloween?
I really like The Monster Mash. Have since I was a kid. The Halloween theme is nice, too.
What was the best spook house you went to?
The Jaycees was an annual tradition for us for years. They had it once in a really scary looking house that fit the mood perfectly. Everything was clicking. The themes and the sets and the characters and the host and everything worked just right. We were young enough not to be the smart-ass teens that try to show how cool we were, but not too young that we were pissing ourselves.
What was the best haul you ever got from trick or treating?
I usually did pretty well, but nothing that really stands out. If I got a nice amount of miniature candy bars and Reese's cups, I was thrilled.
What's your favorite spooky story? (Tell it or link to it if you have the time.)
The one where the little girl hears noises in the house, but puts her hand down for her dog to lick, which reassures her that everything is o.k. Then she's woken up by her parents in the morning. The dog is dead in the bathtub and there's a message scrawled on the wall in blood that says "Humans can lick, too." That one scares the shit out of me.
Favorite costume for the opposite sex? (Or the more attractive sex, if that's a more applicable question.)
I like the classic French Maid. However, this is my new favorite:
Who would you most like to find in your trick or treat bag?
This week? Probably Bree Williamson. Especially if she were wearing the above costume.
What's your favorite Halloween party game?
I like the story of the guy that got disembowled and you have to put your hand in the bag to feel the various guts and pieces.
What was your biggest scare on Halloween? (That scared you, I don't want to hear about your sadistic adventures. Well, o.k., but answer the other one, too.)
I was a wee little lad and was at a church Halloween party. The preacher was being ironic and wore a devil costume. I guess it was too realistic for me, or blurred the lines too much, or something, but I freaked. My parents were trying to take my brother and me down the hall to the fellowship hall for some eats, but I refused to go because the preacher was talking with some people halfway down the hall and I was scared. Finally they had to take me outside and go around the building to another entrance.
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