
I've got to confess, I'm in love. In love with someone famous who doesn't know I exist. It's not some weird lust thing that would make for a scary third reel in a late night horror movie on regional cable. No, it's not pathetic. It's pure and beautiful and only sad in the gentlest way.
I'm in love with Hilary Hahn. Twenty-four year old, world renowned violinist Hilary Hahn, who can make a violin do things that cause my heart to give my mind a conspiratorial wink and plunge them both in a deep conversation that disturbs me. My first stab at putting that into words was laughably corny, and this isn't much better, but it fits, I tell you. Disturb: afflict, agitate, amaze, arouse, astound, badger, burn up, complicate, confound, confuse, discompose, disrupt, distress, excite, fluster, frighten, interfere, interrupt, intrude, muddle, pain, perplex, pique, provoke, puzzle, rattle, rouse, ruffle, shake, shake up, startle, trouble, unhinge, unnerve, unsettle, vex, worry. Thesaurus.com is my friend.
For several years now, I've been flirting with the arts. I'm an ignorant art tool. I can't speak intelligently about the subject. I like classical music because when I hear Bach's Air I'm awestruck at the beauty of the sound. Wiped out. Spent. I'm moved. That's a pretty good fake, I'll grant myself. But when you scratch the surface, you'll find that I can name a half dozen pieces or so, tops. I can't put a piece to a composer, I almost never can identify a performer by just listening. But I listen. I'm even more dumbfounded by paintings. I don't know this era from that. I'm beginning to recognize artists by style, but I'll be damned if I can analyze purpose or period. I'm at the point where I'll notice the artist used a heck of a lot of red, for example, but I usually figure there must have been a sale. Starving artist, can't afford the blues and greens, you buy what you can and make do. I'm getting cutesy, but my point is, I'm no expert, I have no aspiration toward becoming cultured, but I know what I like.
Which brings me back to Hilary, with whom I am in love. There were days gone by I'd probably have developed a real crush on her. She's not unattractive. She's highly intelligent. She writes extremely well. She has a sense of humor. She plays a mean violin. So, romantic love? Yeah, in another life, maybe. But here and now, I'm in love with the artist. The passion, the sound, the technique that I don't even understand and could never describe in actual musical terms, but I appreciate nonetheless. And as I say, it's not appreciation. It's connection. Contact. She moves me, and I long to move back. Again, there's no freaky pseudo-romance there, just a desire somewhere inside to react. To take that feeling, that agitation, that vexing and return it somehow. I guess that's the impetus behind applause. And I guess that's the impetus behind this post. But someday, I'll use my own limited artistic talent and write a story or sketch or scene, and in my heart I'll recognize it as a note to Hilary, with love.