The Blah, Blah, Blog

This is not your father's blog.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The end of an era

They called it "O-Hell". And then they tore it down.

It wasn't a bad dining hall, as dining halls go. I mean, yeah, the food stank, but that's the point. It's a dining hall. But once you got around that fact, it was my dining hall. Most of my meals during my first year of college came from O.Hill. I stole dozens of cookies from the place and took them back to my room. I used to plot ways to steal a gallon or so of their Hawaiian punch and take it home. Never really got around to it. I met some really amazing people in that shitty little dining hall. Had some good times. I just found out that they tore the place down yesterday. I actually feel some honest to goodness loss.

Dave, Steve, Curt, Jeff, Mike, Seuss, Rich. You guys were the best. And O.Hill was part of that. Godspeed, my friend.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Death By Robot

Dave Worrell

is a Robot that is fitted with an Oil-Slick Nozzle, a Tesla Coil and Side Spikes, has Three Metal Wheels, runs on Alcohol, and is Self-Replicating.

Force: 6 Handling: 4 Weaponry: 3

To see if your Battle Robot can
defeat Dave Worrell, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights Dave Worrell using